Annual Meeting & Director Election

Join United Power for a free dinner and an opportunity to learn more about the exciting ways the cooperative has been serving members throughout the past year. Browse educational booths about United Power programs, rebates, electric vehicles, and more, or learn about electrical safety during a live high-voltage demonstration. The certification and results of the 2025 Director Election and door prizes will conclude the evening.

2025 Annual Meeting

April 16, 2025
Riverdale Regional Park

4:30 p.m. | Registration, Dinner, & Balloting
6:30 p.m. | Business Meeting, Election Results, & Door Prizes

March 13, 2025
Meet the Candidates Event
Brighton Headquarters Office

5:30 p.m. | Doors open
6:00 p.m. | Event begins

Director Candidates

Official Posting

North District
Ursula J. Morgan (Incumbent)

Central District
Keith Alquist (Incumbent)

South District
Ryan Keefer
Beth Martin (Incumbent)

Director Election

United Power's members elect directors to the Board by secret ballot and the results are announced at the Annual Meeting of Members held each spring. 

United Power's Board is comprised of 11 member-elected directors serving four geographic districts. Directors serve from geographic districts to ensure equitable representation of members on the cooperative's governing body. Directors serve four-year, staggered terms. Members can reference their billing statements for their director district. It is located in the upper right corner. 

View the director district map.

United Power’s directors are elected on an “at-large” basis, meaning that all members have the right to cast a vote in every director district race. This election policy is in place because directors represent all members, as well as the overall welfare of the cooperative.  

Unlike governmental elections, not all registered voters in the household can vote in co-op elections. Co-op members receive one vote for each membership with United Power, and only the person whose name is on the United Power account is eligible to complete the ballot. Members who are unclear of their membership or account status may call United Power's Member Services Department at 303-637-1300 for verification.

Voter Information Guide

Running for the Board

Eligible members interested in running for a seat on the Board of Directors must submit a director candidate application and written petition. Candidate applications and written petitions must state the name and district of the candidate, and must be signed by 15 or more United Power members. Members may email elections to request a director candidate application and petition.

For more information on United Power's director election and candidate qualifications, please refer to our bylaws.

Meet the Candidates Event

United Power will host a Meet the Candidates event where members can hear from each of the candidates vying to serve on the Board of Directors. This event is free to members. Light refreshments will be served. RSVPs are not required.  

Thursday, March 13, 2025
5:30 p.m. Doors open
6:00 p.m. Event begins

Attend in person or online
United Power Headquarters Office, 500 Cooperative Way, Brighton, CO 80603
Livestream the meeting on this page

Candidate Statements

  • Candidate statements will be recorded and available to view following the Meet the Candidates event. 
  • Written statements from each of the candidates will be provided for all members in the ballot packet included with each mail ballot, posted in the online voting portal, and posted on the United Power website. (*Candidate statements are provided by the candidate; information is not verified or edited by United Power.)

Campaign Contributions

Candidates running for the Board are required to disclose any monetary or in-kind campaign contributions in accordance with the cooperative’s election policy. Director Candidate Contribution Reports are posted on the cooperative's website before ballots are mailed.

  • January 16, 2025
    • Director Candidate Applications & Petitions are due at noon.
  • March 14, 2025
    • Electronic balloting opens & paper ballots are mailed.
  • April 15, 2025
    • Mail-in ballots must arrive by 11:59 a.m.
    • Electronic balloting closes at 11:59 a.m.
  • April 16, 2025
    • 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. - Registration and in-person voting open
    • 6:30 p.m. - Annual Meeting begins; election results announced at conclusion of meeting

🗳️ It is important to note that United Power directors are elected on an ‘at-large’ basis, meaning that members should cast a vote for one director in each district, regardless of where the member lives.

2025 Director Election, Voting Rules, Regulations, and Other Procedures

Voting Electronically

  1. Login to your United Power online account via the website or the mobile app.
  2. Click “Vote Now” on the online account home screen.
  3. Click “Go to Ballot” after reviewing the voting instructions.
  4. Select one candidate in each district and click “Go to Ballot Confirmation.”
  5. Review your completed ballot and click “Change Votes” to edit, or click “Submit Ballot” to complete your vote.
  6. Your ballot is now complete. Enter your email on this final confirmation screen to have a confirmation emailed to you.

Voting by Mail Ballot

  1. Vote your ballot ensuring you have selected one candidate in each district.
  2. Place your ballot in the business reply envelope.
  3. Sign the back of the business reply envelope (State law requires the member’s signature for the ballot to be valid. Please follow signature instructions carefully).
  4. Mail your ballot postpaid before the deadline listed in your ballot packet.

Signing Your Mail Ballot

When signing your ballot envelope, please follow these instructions carefully:

  • If the membership is owned by a human being, that person should sign his or her name on the top line as it appears on the label.
  • If the membership is owned jointly, only one of the joint owners needs to sign.
  • If the membership is owned by a corporation, partnership, or other legal entity, including the estate of a deceased person, the person signing must place his or her signature on the first line and indicate his or her title or lawful representative capacity on the second line. For example:
    • A person signing for a partnership should sign “John Doe” on the top line and “Partner” on the second line;
    • A person signing for a corporation should sign “John Doe” on the top line and “President” (or other office) on the second line;
    • A person signing for a trade name should sign “John Doe” on the top line, and “owner” on the second line;
    • If the member is deceased, the personal representative of the estate should sign their name on the top line, and state “Jane Doe, Personal Representative of the estate of John Doe,” on the second line;
    • If a person is unable to write a signature, his or her mark will be accepted if a witness is present and signs “John Doe is unable to sign, but made his or her mark as his or her intended signature in my presence. Jane Doe, witness.

Vote In Person

Members are invited to vote in person at the Annual Meeting. If you mail your ballot or vote online, you will not be reissued a new ballot at the Annual Meeting. In-person balloting will be open before the Annual Meeting from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. 

Ballot Counting

Survey and Ballot Systems, a reputable election organization and verification service, will be tabulating all ballots. Ballots are mailed directly to Survey and Ballot Systems’ post office box. To be valid, mail ballots must be received at the post office box by the deadline listed in the ballot packet. Proxy voting is not permitted by state law.