Annual Meeting & Director Election
Gather with United Power members from around the cooperative's service territory to hear about its accomplishments at the Annual Meeting. Members may also participate in the annual Director Election, meet cooperative leadership, and ask questions.

Grassroots Network
The Grassroots Network is a group of members who want to get involved in key legislative issues. Members receive information about issues that could affect rates, reliability, or the cooperative's operation, and have an opportunity to contact elected representatives to voice their opinion.

Colorado Advocates for Rural Electrification (CARE) and the Action Committee for Rural Electrification (ACRE) ensure elected officials who are supportive of electric cooperatives stay in office and continue to support our cause. For more information, call 303-659-0551.

Operation Round Up
Operation Round Up is a voluntary United Power program where members elect to have their monthly billing statement rounded up to the next whole dollar. Money collected through the program is used to provide assistance to community organizations within the cooperative's service territory.