Your Energy Dashboard

Power Portal
View in-depth energy consumption history and determine what behavior changes can make the most impact in your energy usage through our online Power Portal.

Energy Assessment
Schedule a phone assessment with a United Power energy management specialist to review your energy usage and help you discover hidden savings.

Home Energy Efficiency
Making energy efficient changes are easy, and they can help you save energy and save money. These articles show you where you can achieve quick, efficient changes and save.

Residential Rates
United Power's residential rates are designed so members have the option to choose one that most closely fits how they use energy. Compare available rates here.

Understanding Demand
United Power rates include separate energy and demand charges. Learn how you can have more control over your bill by managing your demand here.

Rebates & Programs
Members qualify for exclusive rebates and programs. Enroll in a programs or apply for rebates on the following energy efficient equipment and appliances.

Home Energy Adventure
How energy efficient is your home? Find out with this game from Touchstone Energy. Discover ways you can improve your home's energy efficiency and save money.

High Bill Concerns
Was your bill higher than usual this month? New appliances and changing behaviors may play a role. We can help you determine what may be contributing to your energy costs.

Energy Savings Tips
Saving energy, and money, is as quick and easy as taking advantage of the resources on this page. A few small changes around your home can have a big impact.