
For a copy of D24-0001, in ARC Colorado Inc. v. United Power, please email United Power legal

LEGAL NOTICE: Attempt to Settle Unclaimed Capital Credit Retirements
Wednesday | October 30, 2024
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From October 26, 2023 through April 30, 2024, United Power will make a final attempt to pay the unclaimed retirements of capital credits to its former members.

Legal Notice of Attempt to Settle 
Unclaimed Capital Credit Retirements

Commencing on October 31, 2024, and continuing through April 30, 2025, UNITED POWER, INC. (hereafter “United Power” or “the cooperative”), will make a final attempt to pay the unclaimed retirements of capital credits to its former members who were served by the cooperative prior to and through December 31, 2020. This notice does not apply to current United Power members. Representatives for the estates of deceased former members may also apply for unclaimed retired capital credits on behalf of the former member. Former members, or their representatives, who may be eligible to receive these unclaimed retired capital credits can access a list of eligible accounts at the cooperative’s website at, or in person at United Power’s headquarters office located at 500 Cooperative Way in Brighton, Colorado.

Former members or their representatives who may be eligible to receive a payment of unclaimed retired capital credits must complete and submit an Unclaimed Retired Capital Credits Refund Request form (available at and verify all necessary information to ensure their eligibility for payment. A copy of the Unclaimed Retired Capital Credits Refund Request form may also be requested by emailing or by calling United Power’s Member Services line at 303-637-1300.

Submitting an Unclaimed Retired Capital Credits Refund Request form does not guarantee a disbursement will be made; proper documentation and valid proof of membership during the applicable time period is required. No refund checks will be issued for unclaimed retirement amounts below $5.00. Unclaimed retired capital credit refunds can be donated to the United Power Round Up Foundation, which provides assistance to community organizations within the cooperative's service territory. After the notification period closes on April 30, 2025, all unclaimed retired capital credits for the applicable time period will be considered an assignment and contribution of capital to United Power.

Additional questions about this notice and unclaimed retired capital credit refunds should be directed to United Power Member Services at 303-637-1300 or by email to


By: /s/Mark A. Gabriel
President & CEO

LEGAL NOTICE: United Power Bylaw Proposed Amendment
Thursday | August 29, 2024
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The Board of Directors proposes the following amendments to United Power's bylaws.


DATE OF NOTICE: September 6, 2024


The Board of Directors Proposes to amend the Bylaws of United Power, Inc. as follows:

  • Establishes eligibility requirements for any director candidate to assure he/she is in good standing with the cooperative.
  • Extending the required period of membership for eligible director candidates from two (2) years to three (3) years.
  • Extending the required period for a prior cooperative employee, prior employee of a statewide association of electric cooperatives, an electric generation and transmission cooperative, material supply cooperative, financial cooperative, national electric cooperative, or other entity in which the electric cooperative is a member, or has been a member, or a close relative of a prior employee of the cooperative must wait before being eligible to serve as a director from three (3) years to ten (10) years.
  • Defines the requirements a person representing a legal entity must meet to be eligible to be a candidate for a director. 

A complete redline of the proposed changes is available on the cooperative’s website at, or members may obtain a hardcopy at any United Power office, or via mail by calling 303-637-1300 and requesting that a copy be mailed to them at the address on file with the cooperative.

Pursuant to Article 11, Section 8 of the Bylaws of United Power Inc., you are hereby notified that the Board of Directors of United Power, Inc. proposes to adopt the following amendment(s) to United Power’s bylaws at a meeting of the Board to be held on October 23, 2024, unless a written petition is filed at United Power’s headquarters before close of business on October 22, 2024, signed by 100 or more Members, protesting the proposed amendments. 

UNITED POWER, INC. By: /s/Stephen Whiteside, Secretary of the Board

LEGAL NOTICE: Change in the Rates, Rules, & Regulations Tariffs
Friday | April 26, 2024
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The Board of Directors has proposed the following changes to United Power's rate tariffs.


DATE OF NOTICE: April 26, 2024

You are hereby notified that UNITED POWER, INC. (United Power) proposes to make changes to several of its rate tariff schedules to become effective for energy usage on or after June 1, 2024. An increase is necessary for all rate classes to fund the exit from United Power’s Wholesale Supplier. There will be a 5.7% increase to the Large Commercial Coincidental Peak Primary Demand (CPP1) and a 6.1% increase to the Large Commercial Coincidental Peak Secondary Demand (CPS1). There will be an 8.6% increase to the Industrial Service Substation or Transmission Service (ITD1), a 9.2% increase to the Industrial Service Substation or Transmission Service (ITD3), and a 9.6% increase to Industrial Service Substation/Transmission Service (ITD4) rates. The Residential Time of Use (RTD1), Residential Smart Choice (RD1), Residential TOU Demand Service (RDP1), Large Commercial Secondary Demand Service (ISD1), and Large Industrial Primary Demand Service (IPD1) rates will have a 9.7% increase. The increase to the Residential (R1), Small Commercial (C1), and Small Commercial Time of Use (CTD1) rates will be 9.8%. The Industrial Service Substation or Transmission Service (ITD2) rate will have an increase of 9.9%. The increase to the Irrigation (IRR2) rate will be 10%. The Shared Lighting Service rate will have an increase of 11.3% and the Non-Metered Lighting Service rate will have an increase of 11.5%. The Small Industrial Primary Service (SIP1) rate increase will be 14%. The Renewable Resource Green Power Optional Rider Tariff, Sheet 9.3, will reflect updated program requirements and rates, effective Aug. 1, 2024, for a new, 100% Offset option on a per kWh basis and 100-kWh blocks. 

In addition to rate tariff changes, there are minor modifications to update and reflect current business practices in the Rules and Regulations. These updates are to become effective on or after June 1, 2024. The identified areas needing revisions or updating include: (1) Service Connection and Line Extension Fee Schedule and (2) Current Business Practices for estimated billings. 

The present and proposed tariff provisions are available for examination at the Coal Creek branch office, located at 5 Gross Dam Road, Golden, CO; the headquarters office located at 500 Cooperative Way, Brighton, CO; and the Carbon Valley Service Center office at 9586 E. I-25 Frontage Road, Longmont, CO.

Anyone who desires to comment about the proposed changes shall file either an informal complaint or a formal complaint with United Power at 500 Cooperative Way, Brighton, CO 80603 at least 10 days before the proposed effective date. 

An informal complaint shall be in writing and shall contain such facts and other information to adequately state the reason(s) for the complaint. An informal complaint regarding the proposed tariff changes shall be considered by United Power, but will not require that a hearing be held.

Anyone who desires a hearing must file a specific and formal complaint to the proposed changes and a request for hearing at least 10 days before the proposed effective date. A formal complaint shall be in writing in the form prescribed by United Power’s Regulations Governing Consumer Complaints and Related Matters. Upon request, a copy of said regulations is available from United Power.

United Power may hold a hearing to determine what changes will be authorized, regardless of complaints. If proper formal complaints and request for hearings are timely filed, the United Power Board of Directors shall schedule a hearing. The changes ultimately authorized may or may not be the same as those proposed and may include changes different than those tariffs proposed or currently in effect. Anyone who desires to receive notice of hearings, if any, shall make a written request therefor to United Power, at the above address, at least 10 days before the proposed effective date.


By: Mark A. Gabriel, President and Chief Executive Officer

LEGAL NOTICE: Official Posting of Nominations for Director by Petition
Friday | February 16, 2024
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Districts Mountain, North, Central, and South are up for three-year terms.


DATE OF NOTICE: February 16, 2024

The following persons have been nominated by petition and ruled as qualified by United Power’s all-volunteer, member led Qualifications and Election Oversight Committee to run for Director of United Power, Inc., in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of Members scheduled April 17, 2024.

Districts Mountain, North, Central, and South are up for three-year terms. 
2024 Director Candidates are as follows:

Mountain District
Stephen Whiteside (Incumbent)
North District

Brian A. McCormick (Incumbent)

Central District
Tim Erickson (Incumbent)
Paige Wagner-Maul

South District
Brad Case (Incumbent)

Bylaw Ballot Question
The following question will appear on the 2024 ballot.
A “yes” vote is a vote in favor of changing the bylaws, and a “no” vote is a vote against changing the bylaws. Members can view the cooperative’s current bylaws online at

Shall there be an amendment to Article 4, Section 4 of the Bylaws of United Power, Inc. to lengthen the term a Director holds office from three (3) years to four (4) years?

This notice is posted pursuant to Article 4, Section 6 of the Bylaws of United Power, Inc.

Posted: 2-16-2024     
Cooperative Website 
Brighton Headquarters 
Carbon Valley Service Center
Coal Creek Office 

LEGAL NOTICE: Change in the Rates, Rules, & Regulations Tariffs
Friday | October 27, 2023
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The Board of Directors has proposed the following changes to United Power's rate tariffs.


DATE OF NOTICE: October 27, 2023

You are hereby notified that UNITED POWER, INC. (United Power) proposes to make changes to several of its rate tariff schedules to become effective for energy usage on or after Jan. 1, 2024 (billings issued after Feb. 1, 2024*). An increase is necessary for all rate classes due to increased wholesale power supply costs and increased distribution expenses since the last increase effective Jan. 1, 2020. There will be a 9% increase to Industrial Service Substation or Transmission Service (ITD4) and a 9.1% increase to Industrial Service Substation or Transmission Service (ITD1). There will be a 9.2% increase to Industrial Service Substation or Transmission Service (ITD2) and 9.3% increase to Small Industrial Primary (SIP1). The Residential (R1) rate class, Large Commercial Coincidental Peak Secondary Demand (CPS1), and the Industrial Service Substation or Transmission Service (ITD3) will have a rate increase of 9.5%. There will be a 9.6% increase to Small Commercial (C1), Large Commercial Secondary Demand Service (ISD1), Large Commercial Coincidental Peak Primary Demand (CPP1), and a 9.8% increase to Residential On-Peak Demand Time-of-Use Service rate (RDP1). The Residential Time of Use (RTD1), Residential Smart Choice (RD1), Small Commercial Time of Use (CTD1), and Irrigation (IRR2) rates will have an increase of 9.9%. The non-metered light service (L2) will have an increase of 7.8%. The increase to rates R1, RTD1, RDP1, RD1, C1, CTD1, IRR2, ISD1, SIP1, IPD1, ITD1, ITD2, ITD3, and ITD4 will include a wholesale power cost adjustment (PCA) to the energy usage and an increase in the demand charge. The PCA for each rate will be listed on the PCA rate tariff (7.1), and the change in demand will be listed on each applicable rate tariff. Net Metering Service will reflect an increase in the rated capacity limit from 120% to 200% of annual energy usage, and the Electric Vehicle Charges under the pilot program will be updated to an established program. 
In addition to rate tariff changes, there are several modifications to update and reflect current business practices in the Rules and Regulations. These updates are to become effective on or after Jan. 1, 2024. Staff has reviewed the current Rules and Regulations tariffs. Business units across the organization were involved in the review. The following main areas have been identified needing revisions or updating: (1) incorporating Regulatory Policy, (2) incorporating Line Extension Policy, (3) updates to Service Connection and Line Extension Fee Schedule, (4) formatting and grammatical updates for ease of use, consistency, and clarity, and (5) updates for Current Business Practices to reflect technological changes, system changes, and efficiencies.

The present and proposed tariff provisions are available for examination at the Coal Creek Branch Office, located at 5 Gross Dam Road, Golden, Colorado; the headquarters office located at 500 Cooperative Way, Brighton, Colorado, and the Carbon Valley Branch office at 9586 E. I-25 Frontage Road, Longmont, Colorado.

Anyone who desires to comment about the proposed changes shall file either an informal complaint or a formal complaint with United Power at 500 Cooperative Way, Brighton, Colorado 80603 at least 10 days before the proposed effective date. 

An informal complaint shall be in writing and shall contain such facts and other information to adequately state the reason(s) for the complaint. An informal complaint shall be considered by United Power, in regard to the proposed tariff changes, but will not require that a hearing be held.

Anyone who desires a hearing must file a specific and formal complaint to the proposed changes and a request for hearing at least 10 days before the proposed effective date. A formal complaint shall be in writing in the form prescribed by United Power’s Regulations Governing Consumer Complaints and Related Matters. Upon request, a copy of said regulations is available from United Power.

United Power may hold a hearing to determine what changes will be authorized, regardless of complaints. If proper formal complaints and request for hearings are timely filed, the United Power Board of Directors shall schedule a hearing. The changes ultimately authorized may or may not be the same as those proposed and may include changes different than those tariffs proposed or currently in effect. Anyone who desires to receive notice of hearings, if any, shall make a written request therefore to United Power, at the above address at least 10 days before the proposed effective date.


By: Mark A. Gabriel, President and Chief Executive Officer

*BIlls received prior to Feb. 1 may include some January usage. If so, the bill will reflect the new rate for that usage.

United Power members can find more information about the proposed 2024 rate increase here

The Board of Directors proposes the following amendments to United Power's bylaws.

LEGAL NOTICE: New Rate Tariff for EV Charges to Become Effective Jan. 1, 2023
Monday | November 14, 2022
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The rate structure includes a Charging-as-a-Service monthly rate, company owned charging station rates for DC fast charging and for level 2 charging.


Date of Notice:  November 15, 2022

You are hereby notified that UNITED POWER, INC. (United Power) proposes to introduce a new rate tariff schedule for Electric Vehicle Charges to become effective on or after January 1, 2023. The rate structure includes a Charging-as-a-Service monthly rate, company owned charging station rates for DC fast charging and for level 2 charging.

The present and proposed tariff provisions are available for examination at the headquarters office located at 500 Cooperative Way, Brighton Colorado; the Coal Creek Branch Office, located at 5 Gross Dam Road, Golden, Colorado; and the Carbon Valley Branch office at 9586 E. I-25 Frontage Road, Longmont, Colorado.

Anyone who desires to comment about the proposed changes shall file either an informal complaint or a formal complaint with United at 500 Cooperative Way, Brighton, Colorado 80603 at least 10 days before the proposed effective date. 

An informal complaint shall be in writing and shall contain such facts and other information to adequately state the reason(s) for the complaint.  An informal complaint shall be considered by United Power, in regard to the proposed tariff changes, but will not require that a hearing be held.

Anyone who desires a hearing must file a specific and formal complaint to the proposed changes and a request for hearing at least 10 days before the proposed effective date. A formal complaint shall be in writing in the form prescribed by United Power’s Regulations Governing Consumer Complaints and Related Matters. Upon request, a copy of said regulations is available from United Power.  

United Power may hold a hearing to determine what changes will be authorized, regardless of complaints.  If proper formal complaints and request for hearings are timely filed, the Board shall schedule a hearing.  The changes ultimately authorized may or may not be the same as those proposed and may include changes different than those tariffs proposed or currently in effect.  Anyone who desires to receive notice of hearings, if any, shall make a written request therefor to United Power, at the above address at least 10 days before the proposed effective date.


By: Mark A. Gabriel, Chief Executive Officer

9.4 Electric Vehicle Charges