Find a Rate that Works for You

United Power's residential rates are designed so members can choose one that most closely fits how they use energy. Below, you can compare each rate's demand and energy charges and choose a rate that works best for you. 

For more information about the demand charge and how to manage your demand, United Power has compiled a list of helpful resources and frequently asked questions. Learn more on the Understanding Demand page. 

Review United Power's rates below or compare all rates with the Rate Sheet

To request a rate change, contact a Member Services Representative via email or phone at 303-637-1300.

Standard Residential (R1)

standard residential rate

This is the default rate for residential members. Includes a flat energy (kWh) and anytime demand (kW).

Energy(per kWh): $0.1057
Demand(per kW): $4.00
Fixed Charge: $19.00

Standard Residential Hours

EnergyFlat energy rate 24 hours per day

Demand: Highest 15-minute interval reached ANYTIME of day. Billed at the single highest interval over the billing cycle.

Time of Day (RTD1)

time of day rate

The Time of Day rate offers reduced off-peak energy (kWh) to encourage the shift of energy use away from on-peak hours. Includes anytime demand (kW) charge.

On-Peak Energy (per kWh): $0.1525
Off-Peak Energy (per kWh): $0.0600
Demand (per kW): $4.00
Fixed Charge: $19.00

Time of Day Hours

On-Peak Energy: 2-10 p.m., Monday – Saturday

Off-Peak Energy: 10-2 p.m., Monday – Saturday; all day Sunday and major holidays*

DemandDemand does NOT take a day off. Demand billed at the highest 15-minute interval ANYTIME during the day and can occur during on-peak or off-peak periods on any day of the week (including holidays).

*Off-peak major holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

Peak Time of Day (RDP1)

peak time of day rate

The Peak Time of Day rate offers reduced off-peak energy (kWh) and additional savings by charging demand (kW) only for usage during on-peak periods of 2-10 p.m..

On-Peak Energy (kWh): $0.1379
Off-Peak Energy (kWh): $0.0600
On-Peak Demand (per kW): $4.50
Fixed Charge: $19.00

Peak Time of Day Hours

On-Peak Energy: 2-10 p.m., Monday – Saturday

Off-Peak Energy: 10-2 p.m., Monday – Saturday, all day Sunday and major holidays

On-Peak Demand: Highest 15-minute interval during on-peak hours of 2-10 p.m.; Sundays and major holidays* are considered off-peak demand periods.

*Off-peak major holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

Smart Choice (RD1)

smart choice rate

The Smart Choice rate is beneficial to members who use a lot of energy (kWh) and can shift their demand (kW) away from on-peak hours of 2-10 p.m.

Energy (per kWh): $0.0497
Grid Access Demand (per kW): $5.83
On-Peak Demand (per kW): $7.31
Fixed Charge: $19.00

Smart Choice Hours

EnergyFlat energy rate 24 hours per day.

Grid Access DemandHighest 15-minute interval reached ANYTIME of day. Billed at the single highest interval over the billing cycle.

On-Peak DemandHighest 15-minute interval during on-peak hours of 2-10 p.m.; Sundays and major holidays* are considered off-peak demand periods.

*Off-peak major holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day