Our Vision in a Rapidly Evolving Energy Industry

The electric utility industry is undergoing a significant refocus on everything from technology to power supply. The delivery model of today will look vastly different in the next decade. Grid technology is improving, energy markets are evolving, and member demands and expectations are changing. United Power must be prepared to adapt quickly and respond proactively to shifts in an ever-changing environment. We recognize the wealth of opportunities - and challenges - that come with these changes. 

Our mission as your local electric cooperative is to safely and responsibly deliver reliable electricity and excellent service to our members. To continue delivering on that promise, we must identify the range of potential futures that we need to prepare for, harness our strengths, recognize where growth and investments are required, and develop innovative approaches to proactively address challenges. 

It is, therefore, critical United Power ensures all the pieces work together to optimize financial investments, operating efficiencies, and resources. The intent of our cooperative roadmap is to document organizational objectives to create an alignment from the Board of Directors to every employee and, in turn, our members.

Empower and Engage with Members and Communities

Electric cooperatives are owned by the members they serve, which means the members are not just consumers but stakeholders in the cooperative’s success.

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Provide Flexible, Affordable, Responsible Power and Services

As the needs of the distribution system have increased, so has the need for United Power to evolve and optimize the supply of power and services to its members.

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Continuously Optimize the Electric Distribution System

The optimization of the electric distribution system is paramount as the cooperative confronts increasing demands and complexities driven by rapid electrification, the integration of DERs, and the evolving expectations of members.

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Achieve and Maintain Business Agility and Resilience

Business agility and resilience are key investments of United Power’s strategic and operational plan.

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Guiding Principles

The following guiding principles were used to develop this roadmap. They are the lenses through which United Power evaluates options, particularly when there are trade-offs.


United Power prioritizes safety in every decision and action. By fostering a culture of transparency, trust, and teamwork, the cooperative ensures that safety is reflected in every aspect of its operations to protect employees, members, and communities.


United Power strives to deliver high quality, uninterrupted service to members through the design, operation, protection, and maintenance of a robust and resilient electric distribution system.


United Power is committed to securing fair and competitive wholesale rates, managing costs, and responsibly allocating those costs across the membership with stable and transparent rate options.


United Power demonstrates maximum agility and adaptiveness through forward-looking plans, versatile and innovative programs and business models, and diverse power supply options as the cooperative responds to changes in its environment and the needs of members and communities.


United Power acts ethically, sustainably, and in the best interest of its members and communities as the cooperative manages operations and secures resources.

Recent Roadmap Posts

After years of legal battles, United Power is one step closer on its path forward to buy out of its ...

Roadmap: Optimizing Our Distribution System
Friday | September 16, 2022
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United Power is proud to manage a comprehensive maintenance plan that has produced one of the most reliable systems in the country.

Analyzing System Data to Improve Performance & Reliability, Mitigate Risk

As an electric distribution cooperative, delivering high reliability power safely and efficiently to members is United Power’s first priority. You expect your power to be available when you need it and as long as you need it. United Power recognizes its members’ expectations and earlier this year released Our Cooperative Roadmap with strategic areas the cooperative is focusing on for both its future and the benefits of members. One of the key focuses in the Roadmap is system optimization. The cooperative is engaging in several proactive practices to increase system performance, while also bringing innovative technology solutions on board to assist in demand monitoring, outage resolution, and fire mitigation. 

A few years ago, United Power’s operations team shifted its maintenance strategy to focus on areas of the system that were falling short of performance goals. Utilizing a sophisticated network of grid tracking technology, the cooperative is able to identify specific areas that need improvement and plan targeted maintenance projects. Since the new strategy launched, the cooperative’s outage times have been reduced by nearly half. 

The cooperative’s outage restoration and response is also aided by the rapid adoption of innovative smart devices deployed throughout the distribution system. These automated field devices not only aid in the dissemination of tracking data that informs United Power’s maintenance strategy, but also allow the cooperative to restore power remotely in the event of an outage without having to dispatch crews. They fall into a varying spectrum from simple to complex, but work in conjunction to identify, isolate, and, when possible, resolve faults. 

Design and construction teams are regularly reviewing emerging solutions to improve reliability and provide better tracking information. While the most prominent and immediately recognizable elements of the system are poles and power lines, United Power also manages nearly 18,000 streetlights across its service area. More than 3,000 now include LED smart node technology that communicates lighting issues directly to the cooperative. The technology is both energy efficient and cost effective because it provides information crews can use to ensure proper equipment and materials are collected before being dispatched. Smart nodes are now the default for new streetlight installations, and the cooperative works with each community to convert older technology to the new alternative.

A system that functions reliably must also function safely. United Power serves two mountain canyons at a time in Colorado when wildfire risk has spiked. The cooperative published its fire mitigation plan a few years ago and updates it annually to include new elements that are proven to reduce risk and improve safety. Previous updates have included the installation of new technology and updated construction standards; and this year included the addition of new protocols during Red Flag Warnings. These new procotols govern the system’s response when infererence to electric flow is detected and when fire danger is at its highest. While power can be restored once interference is cleared in most cases, United Power requires crews to investigate causes when Red Flag Warnings are issued. Although an outage is never convenient, preventing a wildfire is critical to member and community safety. 

United Power is proud to manage a comprehensive maintenance plan that has produced one of the most reliable systems in the country. As cooperative members, you can rest assured co-op leadership is actively pursing the best resources for a reliable and safe system, and doing so in the most cost-effective manner to control member rates.

Roadmap: Providing Flexible, Affordable, Sustainable Power & Services
Thursday | July 7, 2022
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United Power caught the attention of electric distribution co-ops in April when it filed its non-conditional Notice of Intent to Withdraw from its wholesale power contract with Tri-State.

United Power Exits its Current Wholesale Contract Effective May 1, 2024

United Power caught the attention of electric distribution cooperatives nationwide in April when it filed its non-conditional Notice of Intent to Withdraw from its wholesale power contract with Tri-State Generation and Transmission (Tri-State). The cooperative entered a long-term contract with the generation cooperative when few viable sources of affordable and reliable power were available. At the time, it provided stability for United Power and assurance that members would continue to receive reliable power. But the industry has entered a transition, and the contract is no longer reflective of the cooperative or its members’ best interests. 

The current contract is too restrictive, capping locally sourced power at just 5% of its total load and preventing United Power from bringing more local generation onto its system, which would lower costs and expand member options. Before making the difficult decision to exit its contract, leadership at the cooperative attempted to negotiate a revised “partial requirements” contract. The revised contract would have continued United Power’s membership relationship with Tri-State while also allowing the cooperative to explore and purchase lower cost, cleaner power options on the market. Unfortunately, negotiations to this end failed. 

“Our first option was to continue a mutually beneficial relationship with our wholesale power supplier, where we would continue sourcing a portion of our power from them,” said Mark A. Gabriel, United Power’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “It is unfortunate they were unwilling to help us reach this goal. Although we feel the current contract does not represent shifts taking place in the industry, it was not a decision we made lightly. We spent countless hours weighing our options and discussing a course of action that would result in the best outcome for our members and our future.”

United Power also issued a request for proposal (RFP) for new wholesale power suppliers along with its Notice of Intent to Withdraw. Perspective power suppliers will have until early August to submit proposals outlining their ability to meet the cooperative’s energy needs. Proposals from suppliers are expected to meet three criteria: 

  • Energy, the critical resource keeping lights on for United Power members.
  • Capacity, the ability to provide continuously reliable power even in adverse conditions.
  • Resource adequacy, the assurance generation will be adequate to meet demand even on hot summer days during peak hours. 

“We are expecting a healthy response to our RFP,” said Dean Hubbuck, United Power’s Chief Energy Resource Officer. “We’ll spend about two months evaluating proposals before selecting a handful of potential suppliers to work with directly. We hope to select a supplier, or group of suppliers, and begin contract negotiations early next year.”

The final step in United Power’s exit is determining an exit fee, which is currently pending with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Although the fee hasn’t been determined, FERC has issued a number of decisions in the cooperative’s favor over the past few months. In March, FERC economist Greg Golino determined Tri-State’s methodology for calculating the exit fee was “flawed and unreasonable.” The exit fee could be decided as early as this summer. 

“Our situation has substantially changed, with more affordable, reliable, and environmentally sustainable power supply options now available,” said Beth Martin, United Power’s Board Chairman. “We believe we should deliver electricity that is more reflective of the current market price, ultimately helping our members save.”

In June, United Power hosted a member forum to discuss its upcoming exit. Gabriel and Hubbuck provided detailed background of how United Power got to this point and where the cooperative is heading from here. The forum concluded with a question and answer session from attendees both online and in person. 

Additional information, including a recording of the forum is available on our Power Supply page. 

United Power Joins Southwest Power Pool

Thursday | June 23, 2022
United Power is the first distribution utility in the Western Interconnection to join the SPP.