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Due to the potential spread of COVID-19, United Power's 2020 Annual Meeting has been moved to a virtual "town hall" meeting. Find more information about changes to this year's annual meeting format at

As United Power gears up for its 2020 Annual Meeting & Director Election on April 15, 2020, the cooperative is encouraging its members to participate and reminding them they are more than a customer. When you vote in the director election, you have a say in the future of the cooperative. As a member, your vote carries equal weight as any other member’s vote, regardless of what kind of account they have or how large it is. Your pulse on the community and understanding of what’s important to it is critical in helping the cooperative better serve its members. 

All members are invited to connect with United Power leadership at the Annual Meeting, enjoy the company of fellow cooperative members and have a chance to win one of several door prizes. The meeting will be held at Riverdale Regional Park, formerly Adams County Fairgrounds, located at 9755 Henderson Road, Brighton, CO 80601.

Eight candidates will be running for election to the United Power board of directors. This year, one seat in each of United Power’s director districts is up for election. The director candidates are James Vigesaa in the East District; Tamra K. Waltemath in the Mountain District; Greg Campbell, Stan Martin, Phil Noble and David E. Rose in the South District; and Virginia “Ginny” A. Buczek and James P. Menghi in the West District. (Candidate statements are published here and included in the March-April United Newsline.)

The cooperative mails out director ballots – including candidate statements – in late March and encourages all members to vote and return their mail ballot prior to the deadline. Ballots may also be dropped off at a United Power office before April 15 or filled out in-person at the Annual Meeting. Although directors live in specific geographic districts, they represent all members and are therefore elected on an “at-large” basis. This means members should cast a vote for a director in each district and not just their own. 

Member registration opens at 4:30 p.m. Members who did not mail in their ballot or chose not to vote prior to the meeting will be issued a ballot and be able to cast their votes until the beginning of the official business meeting at 6:30 p.m. After members have cast their ballot, they can enjoy a barbecue dinner with us, visit educational exhibit booths and be entertained by musician Dave Connelly. 

The official business meeting includes a report on the status of the cooperative, as well as a report from the board treasurer. Election results will be announced prior to adjournment and door prize drawings will conclude the meeting. To learn more about the Annual Meeting or the candidates running for a seat on the board, visit the Annual Meeting & Director Election page