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The hallmark of an electric cooperative is not simply providing reliable power to its members. United Power is deeply rooted in the communities it serves and committed to their success. We manage our resources in a way that allows us to give back to our communities and empowers our employees to do the same.

Many United Power employees have volunteered their own time and resources to local nonprofits and educational foundations throughout the service territory. They have been able to leverage both their professional experience with the cooperative and personal interests to become leaders who are critical to powering these organizations.

AmyClementAmy Clement, a Senior Human Resources Generalist at United Power, has been serving on the Adams County Workforce Development Board since 2017. She is the current board chair and serves on the executive committee. The Workforce Development Board’s mission is to create opportunities for success by connecting businesses to a quality workforce in Adams County. The board is composed of community leaders who represent private industry, nonprofits and public agencies.

The individuals on the board represent a variety of industry roles, backgrounds and interests, helping generate quality discussions when determining goals and direction.

Clement said her involvement with the Workforce Development Board represents United Power as an employee of the cooperative, but that it also reflects her desire as a local resident to see community growth.

“My professional background in human resources has afforded me opportunities in workforce development and training that are beneficial to the board” she said. “At the same time, I enjoy personally serving not only the community I live in, but also the people that are looking to better their own lives through employment and career progression.”

When the position on the board opened in 2017, Tom Green, the district representative for United Power in Adams County, said he instantly recommended Clement.

“I believe it’s important for United Power employees to take part in local community organizations, especially when it relates to their role with the cooperative,” Green said. “Amy is a talented professional who I thought could provide fresh input on the workforce in Adams County and be a meaningful contributor on the Workforce Development Board.”

As executive committee chair, Clement is personally involved with policy updates and responsible for communications with state representatives, as well as managing board meetings each month. She recently worked with the board to establish an adult internship program to place Adams County residents in businesses to gain experience and advance their careers.

“This is an exciting opportunity to give back to the community,” she said. “I am hopeful we will be able to place an intern with United Power in the future.”

The board’s responsibilities are accomplished through the activities of the Adams County Workforce and Business Center. For more information, go to