May Message from Mark. A. Gabriel

Monday | May 8, 2023
A message to United Power members from the cooperative's President & Chief Executive Officer.
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The day will be observed on April 18 each year to honor and recognize the crucial role that linework...
United Power members are invited to attend the cooperative’s 2023 Annual Meeting. Balloting in this ...

United Power Connects 10,000th Rooftop Solar System
Wednesday | March 29, 2023
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On Saturday, United Power recognized Cory and Jaime Wagner of Keenesburg for connecting the utility’s 10,000th rooftop solar system.

Co-op Members Double National Average in Solar Installations

Brighton, CO – On Saturday, United Power recognized Cory and Jaime Wagner of Keenesburg for connecting the utility’s 10,000th rooftop solar system. Rooftop solar has quickly become a preferred solution for electric utility customers who are looking to offset their regular energy usage with more renewable options. The growth rate for solar installations on United Power’s system has increased at a rapid pace over the last three years, placing the cooperative at the forefront in connected solar across electric utilities nationwide. 

United Power has added more than 1,000 rooftop solar installations in less than eight months and doubled the number connected to its system in the last three years. Nearly 11% of United Power’s residential members now generate power from solar systems at their homes, which is higher than both the state and regional solar penetration averages and more than double the national average. The combined generation potential of these systems is approximately 62 megawatts (MW), which represents a significant part of the cooperative’s 600 MW peak.  

“More than 5,000 residential solar systems have been connected to our grid since early 2020, demonstrating our members’ desire to make autonomous energy choices that fit their daily needs,” said Mark A. Gabriel, United Power’s President & Chief Executive Officer. “We are constantly working in our communities and behind the scenes to develop programs and processes that empower member choice as the energy landscape evolves.”

United Power Board members and cooperative leadership, along with Colorado Solar and Storage Association (COSSA) President Mike Kruger, gathered Saturday to congratulate the Wagner family. United Power presented them with a prize package recognizing the achievement.

“We are really excited to be in our first home, and happy to be generating our own solar power,” said Jaime Wagner. “Being a United Power member has been great. Once we got our system installed, United Power came right out and connected it, and we are ready to watch the panels start producing.”

United Power is proud to support a robust solar community and is committed to providing a member-friendly connection process. To ensure members like the Wagners realize the most value out of their solar systems, the cooperative offers additional resources like MyGen, an online tool where members can track their system’s production alongside energy use in their Power Portal account. For more information about going solar with United Power or to answer questions about how to size a solar system and choose a contractor, members may visit

“I’m excited to be here with United Power to celebrate the cooperative’s 10,000th residential solar member,” said Kruger. “It’s phenomenal how many of its members are generating solar power from their homes. United Power is beating large investor-owned utilities, municipals, and other Colorado cooperatives in interconnected solar.” 

Since powering Colorado’s first community solar farm – Sol Partners – in 2009, United Power has added five utility-scale solar farms and one of the state’s largest battery storage facilities. The solar farms generate a combined 50 MW, enough to power more than 10,000 homes. United Power’s energy portfolio also includes a 3.2 MW methane-capture project at the Erie Landfill. In recognition of these efforts, the cooperative was named one of COSSA’s 2022 Solar and Storage Champions. The cooperative continues to explore renewable and innovative energy projects with the greatest member benefits, including reliability, resiliency, and affordability.

“We appreciate the vision that the United Power community has put forth for a clean future and the ability to partner with them in that,” said Kruger. “I’m happy to celebrate today, and I think it’s a bright future for us all.”

United Power is a member-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative, delivering electricity to homes, farms, and businesses throughout Colorado’s northern front range. The cooperative is one of the fastest-growing electric cooperatives in the nation, and in June 2021 joined the elite ranks of cooperatives serving more than 100,000 meters. The 900-square mile service territory extends from the mountains of Coal Creek and Golden Gate Canyon, along the I-25 corridor and Carbon Valley region, to the farmlands of Brighton, Hudson, and Keenesburg. United Power is also a founding member of the NextGen Cooperative Alliance, which is dedicated to expanding the power supply and procurement options available to distribution co-ops, reforming the traditional generation and transmission business model. For more information about United Power, visit or follow the cooperative on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram.


2022 Member Choice Grant Recipients Selected

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2022: Year in Review

Tuesday | January 10, 2023
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Winter Message from Mark A. Gabriel
Thursday | December 29, 2022
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A message to United Power members from the cooperative's President & Chief Executive Officer.

MarkGabriel_400x500.jpgUnited Power had a tremendous year in 2022, from our system’s performance in limiting outages and outage duration to our important decision to withdraw from our wholesale power contract and seek a new power supplier. 

Much is happening behind the scenes as we prepare for the next decade and beyond. The investments we make — strongly supported by your forward-thinking Board of Directors — position United Power for a future with diverse generation and storage technologies to meet the expectations of our members. 

Our dedicated employees are the force behind our successful operations. It takes a team with diverse skill sets and abilities. Our line crews are on call 24/7 to respond to unexpected emergencies and restore power during an outage, and the excellent efforts of our office staff keep the business flowing day-to-day.

Our system relies on dozens of complicated processes that must occur to keep the lights on, and some are not obvious. Supply chain disruption planning, understanding operational challenges through asset management, protecting critical infrastructure across a remote footprint, and understanding and communicating with our members are just a few of these important, yet hidden, processes. 

Electric utilities are one of the few businesses only recognized when they do not perform well. I am proud to say that thanks to our great team, our outage times were half the national average in 2022. Over the past several years, we have made a concerted effort to underground our lines where practical, use new and emerging technologies, and deploy additional sensors while focusing our maintenance efforts and investments on areas needing the most improvements. 

Our Cooperative Roadmap (Roadmap) outlines the key directions for United Power as we boldly move into the future — a future with a shared energy economy, more electrification, and higher demands for reliability and resilience. We are, as previously announced, preparing for a future with a new power supplier and getting ready for a power market to come in 2025. These moves take many months, if not years, of preparation. The team at United Power is working toward these goals. At the same time, we are understanding of the economic challenges our members are facing, and we are working to keep rates low and reliability high while meeting state regulations.

We are also in the process of seeking federal funding to help support our infrastructure, as laid out in the Inflation Reduction Act, in areas such as wildfire mitigation, electric vehicle charging, and sensors. Under the legislation, individual members and businesses may also have opportunities to apply for direct federal funding for efficiency upgrades, such as energy storage projects, heat pumps, insulation, and electrification of industrial processes. 

The upcoming year will be an exciting one as we continue the path outlined in our Roadmap. I am confident we will continue to be the best cooperative in Colorado and one of the best in the nation thanks to our tremendous team and the support from our Board, who are working to keep our communities strong. 

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me anytime.