Tips & Tricks to Becoming Energy Efficient
Thursday | September 30, 2021
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United Power Recognizes Energy Efficiency Day on Wednesday, October 6.

United Power Recognizes Energy Efficiency Day on October 5

On October 5, United Power is joining more than 800 other organizations to celebrate National Energy Efficiency Day, a day to remember easy ways we can reduce our energy use and save money.

Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to perform the same tasks or eliminating energy waste. Being energy efficient protects our pocketbooks and the environment by lowering demand for energy and, by extension, greenhouse gas emissions.

If you’re a homeowner trying to manage your electric usage on a budget, energy efficiency may seem more fantasy than reality. Energy efficiency is often seen as an expensive and unobtainable goal for many homeowners, but it doesn’t have to be. Trimming your electric usage is as quick and simple as making a few modest behavior changes and a little investment in cost-efficient technology.

Here are some of the most common ways United Power members can ditch high energy bills and become more efficient in their daily energy usage. For some of our members who may want to go a step further in the journey toward energy efficiency, the article below demonstrates why an electric vehicle may be right for you.

10 Energy Efficient Tips

  1. Make the Switch to LEDs. There’s been a strong push for the switch to LEDs for years, and for good reason. LEDs last up to 25x longer and consume 90 percent less energy.
  2. Seal Those Leaks. Have you ever left a window cracked in the winter and realized how quickly the cold air can cool your home? Little leaks can be equivalent to leaving a 3 ft x 3 ft window open.
  3. Install a Smart Thermostat. While an initially high investment, a smart thermostat will pay for itself over time by learning your routine and adjusting accordingly. You can even control it remotely. Members can also enroll in United Power’s Smart Rewards program to save even more. More info at Smart Rewards.
  4. Heat & Cool Efficiency. Heating and cooling accounts for almost half your energy use. Don’t waste money on an empty home. Raising or lowering the temp on your thermostat also won’t compromise comfort.
  5. Use a Ceiling Fan. Using a ceiling fan in combination with proper cooling will allow you to raise your thermostat by as much as 4 degrees without losing any comfort.
  6. Maintain Your HVAC System. A dirty furnace has to work harder to move air. Don’t forget to change air filters during both heating and cooling seasons to keep energy costs low.
  7. Look for the ENERGY STAR® Label. The label means this appliance is certified energy efficient. United Power also offers rebates on ENERGY STAR® refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines.
  8. Turn Off Electronics. Electronics on “standby” contribute to “vampire loads,” which is when a device draws energy even with it appears to be off. Turn off all idle electronics that aren’t in use.
  9. The Sun is Key. In the winter, open curtains during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home. In the summer, excess sunlight will make your A/C work harder, so keep those curtains closed.
  10. Don’t Peak in the Oven. Opening the oven door while cooking or baking can cause the internal temperature to drop by as much as 25 degrees making it work harder to return to the right temperature and also affecting cooking times of your dinner or dessert.

Time to Begin Looking at Electric Vehicles
Thursday | September 23, 2021
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National Drive EV Week is September 25 - October 3, 2021

Excitement surrounding electric vehicles is beginning to pick up steam, and now is the perfect time for United Power members to assess the practicality of EV ownership for their daily lives. Join the cooperative in recognizing National Drive EV Week, a nationwide celebration to raise awareness about the benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Living in Colorado already provides members who are interested in electric vehicles an immediate advantage. Consistently ahead of the curve in environmental sustainability, Colorado ranks inside the top 10 in electric vehicle ownership and charging infrastructure. That saturation will only continue to grow after Gov. Jared Polis signed a sustainable transportation bill in May that will invest nearly $1 billion in electric vehicle programs over the next 10 years.

The cost of ownership for electric vehicles is at an all-time low, with certain brands even offering highly affordable pricing options and sales or leasing incentives. In October, Consumer Reports published a detailed assessment of electric vehicles and concluded savings worth thousands of dollars over comparable gas-powered options. Coupled with the skyrocketing cost of gas, especially when compared to the relative affordability of electricity, the reasons to consider an electric-powered vehicle only become that much more enticing.

These savings are not only derived from gas, but also because electric vehicles do not require standard maintenance, such as oil changes, making them much cheaper to operate.

If you’ve ever considered an electric vehicle, there has never been a better time. To help members educate themselves on what’s available, United Power launched Choose EV. Choose EV contains a significant amount of information, including vehicle information, comparisons and a savings calculator (fuel to electricity). To learn more about the tools available to United Power members, go to Choose EV.

A message to United Power members from the cooperative's President & Chief Executive Officer.
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