Democracy at the Cooperative

Tuesday | February 11, 2020
Each year our members’ votes in the director election determine who will represent them on the co-op...

2019: A Year in Review
Thursday | February 6, 2020
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This past year was a banner one for the co-op, which also celebrated its 80th anniversary at the annual meeting this past April.

United Power works around the clock year after year to ensure its members continue to receive the safe and reliable power they’ve come to expect from the cooperative. There have been some big changes over the past year. Some of these exciting changes have helped the cooperative better serve members living in different parts of the service territory and many have been for member use and convenience. This past year was a banner one for the co-op, which also celebrated its 80th anniversary at the annual meeting this past April.

A Cooperative Milestone

Celebrating 80 years was a special cooperative milestone for United Power. Not only was the cooperative one of the earliest co-ops formed, but it also took overcoming tremendous odds to achieve the milestone. Originally established by a group of rural farmers in 1938, United Power, formerly Union REA, overcame an aggressive takeover attempt from Public Service Company of Colorado (now Xcel Energy) with the help of its members and has become one of the most progressive cooperatives across the country. Today, United Power proudly serves more than 93,000 members.

Officially Welcomed Frederick

This past January, United Power officially acquired Frederick Power & Light and became the sole power provider to the Town of Frederick. Along with the addition, the cooperative also welcomed approximately 2,400 new members, which pushed its total services above 90,000 meters. The acquisition closed a crucial hole in the middle of the service territory, helping United Power better integrate its electric delivery system and reduce operations costs for all.

Carbon Valley Office Staffed

United Power purchased a large facility near Carbon Valley in 2017 to operate as a base of services in the western part of its service territory. After significant renovations and remodeling, crews began operating out of the facility toward the end of 2018. The western office quickly began providing value for members in the area. Crews stationed in Carbon Valley have quicker and more convenient access to the highways and communities in United Power’s western service territory, eliminating a 45-minute commute from the cooperative’s Brighton-based facility. The shorter commute allows crews to respond more rapidly in the event of an outage and restore power more quickly. Although some operations staff were already stationed at the Carbon Valley Service Center, the facility wasn’t officially staffed until 2019. As the cooperative continues to grow, more departments will be staffed within the new office. The office, located along East I-25 Frontage Road just south of Highway 119, offers construction services and, as of December, a payment kiosk in the office lobby. A community room is also available for local community groups to use free of charge.

New Website Launched

United Power overhauled its website in 2019, launching the new version toward the end of June. The new site was designed with a more member-focused approach. Not only was the new site designed with more user-friendly navigation, it was also tailored to be responsive on mobile devices, making it more intuitive for member use. In addition, the visually focused layout was intended to make the site more engaging while providing assurance members can find the appropriate content to meet their needs more quickly. United Power continues to update the site with the latest cooperative news and information, so it’s important to check back regularly.

Landmark Achievements

From energizing the first community solar farm and becoming one of the first utilities in the country to utilize a single-axis tracking system on its large-scale solar farms, United Power has become synonymous with innovation over the past 10 years. The cooperative celebrated achievements for two innovative projects in 2019. In May, the Sol Partners Community Solar Farm turned 10. An immediate hit at inception, the solar farm sold out quickly and has been adopted by cooperatives across the country. In the fall, United Power’s battery storage project was ranked in the top 10 for interconnected storage capacity by the Smart Electric Power Alliance. The cooperative was the only Colorado utility to appear on the list.

Payment Options that Work for Members

To round out a busy and successful year, United Power also adopted two new payment methods for members. Pay Now allows members to make quick, one-time payments online via check or credit card with just an account number or invoice number, a quick way to pay when you don’t have your password on hand. The cooperative also placed two payment kiosks at office locations in Coal Creek Canyon and Carbon Valley. Like the Pay Now feature, members can make payments using the kiosk with just an account number and form of payment. Payments made by cash or credit are applied immediately and restores accounts subject to disconnection immediately upon payment.

Throughout 2019, United Power had many opportunities to celebrate continual growth and innovation with members and leaders in the communities we serve. As we look to the future, we’ll continue to set the bar for others to follow. We look forward to all 2020 has to offer, and continuing to provide our members safe and reliable energy.

Is Your Contact Info Up to Date?

Thursday | January 16, 2020
Check your information to make sure you're getting important updates from your co-op.

Old Home Wiring May Need TLC

Friday | January 10, 2020
Here are a few clues to find out if your home’s electric network needs a professional switch. 
United Power and La Plata Electric push for lower rates and cleaner energy for customers

Take the Edge off Electric Bills in 2020
Friday | January 3, 2020
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Take advantage of the resources the cooperative provides for its members and discover quick home upgrades and behavior changes to see immediate savings.

United Power is committed to providing members with the tools and resources they need to take control of their energy use. As we enter a new year, and a new decade, it’s never been easier to control your energy and become more energy efficient. Take advantage of the resources the cooperative provides for its members and discover quick home upgrades and behavior changes to see immediate savings. Here are some ways United Power is empowering its members to take control.

Find a Rate that Works for You

United Power’s residential rates are designed so members have the option to choose one that most closely fits how they use energy. When the cooperative’s demand rate debuted in January 2019, it separated the energy and demand components and allowed the cooperative to more fairly charge members for both their energy use and impact on the grid. Along with it, the cooperative also rolled out the Smart Choice Rate, which provided two different peak demand charges and a much lower energy charge. This rate remains unchanged for 2020. New this year, United Power added a Peak Time of Day rate, which encourages members to switch their usage to off-peak hours. The new rate charges a higher demand for on-peak usage, but does not charge for demand during off-peak hours. The cooperative’s standard and time of day rates also remain options for members. However you use your energy, the flexibility of the cooperative’s residential rates should meet most members’ needs. 

Link: United Power Residential Rates

Register for the Power Portal to Monitor Your Usage

Curious to see when you used the most energy this past month or how it compares to your usage throughout the year? Was it the high or low temps causing you to use more energy than you expected? Or was it the new hot tub? New major appliances and recreational equipment often use more energy than we initially expect. To find out what’s driving your energy use, register for the Power Portal. With the Power Portal, you can access your complete energy consumption portfolio in 15-minute intervals throughout the day to get a clear look at how you use your energy. Armed with this information, you can make small behavior changes to save you over time, helping keep bills lower and more manageable.

Link: Find out more about the Power Portal here.

Free Online Resources Help You Take Inventory of Your Usage

How energy efficient are your behaviors? The Power Portal may arm you with the information you need to begin making changes, but what are those changes exactly? What “quick wins” can you implement to see a difference? A home energy assessment tool can show you just how energy efficient certain behaviors are, and how you can change them to get the most out of your energy. These and other tools are available on the United Power website. Just go to Energy Programs and click on Managing My Energy or click below.

Link: Managing My Energy

Install a Smart Thermostat

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating and cooling our homes accounts for nearly half of our annual energy usage, making it the most expensive part of our bills. Experts agree adjusting your thermostat a few degrees when you’re not home is the best way to save. With a programmable thermostat, like the Nest Learning Thermostat, you can set your temp when you leave for work and adjust it remotely so it’s comfortable when you get home. Smart thermostats learn your schedule and adjust automatically, respond to changes in local weather and analyze your energy use.

Buy Energy Star® Appliances and Get Money Back

Replacing your old appliances with newer, more energy efficient products is a quick way to see immediate savings on your monthly bill. United Power members qualify for exclusive rebates through the cooperative and its wholesale power supplier, Tri-State Generation and Transmission. Rebates are available on select Energy Star® appliances (including refrigerators/freezers, dishwashers and clothes washers). Additional rebates are available on heat pumps, electric water heaters and electric heating systems.

Link: Rebates & Programs

Change a Little, Save a Lot

While United Power provides a wealth of rebates, programs and tools that members can take advantage of to become more energy efficient, some changes are as quick and easy as investing in power strips or closing curtains. Using power strips can help limit infamous “vampire loads,” which happen when devices use energy although they appear to be turned off. Vampire loads are approaching 10 percent of the average household’s electric use, according to the EPA. Upgrading to smart power strips adds the ability to remotely control outlets, either as a whole or individually. Lowering water heater temps to the “warm” setting can save on energy and scalding when washing hands. Leaving your curtains open in the winter lets the sun naturally warm your home, and closing them in the summer keeps heat out. These are a few quick and efficient options to save immediately on your bill.

Link: Find saving tips at Energy Tips

Talk to a United Power Energy Management Specialist

United Power has a team of Energy Management Specialists, available to advise and assist you with your energy concerns. Energy Management Specialists walk through your concerns, analyze your usage and provide you with practical information you can use to control your energy usage. They can walk you through available rates, programs and rebates to ensure you’re maximizing your energy savings. 

Ultimately, energy savings comes down to the small things. Turn off lights and ceiling fans when you aren’t in a room. Turn off power strips to televisions, gaming systems and other electronics, including chargers, that are not in use. Take shorter showers. Consolidate loads of laundry and dishes to make the best use of hot water. Stagger the use of appliances to avoid a higher demand. Remind everyone in your family to make energy savings a priority. Work with them to start a conversation about saving energy, and you’ll see the savings every month. Enter into the new decade resolved to be more energy efficient. 

New Rates Effective Jan 1, 2020

Tuesday | December 31, 2019
While the increase became effective beginning with usage on January 1, 2020, members won’t see the i...