Board to Consider Rate Adjustment for 2020
Monday | November 4, 2019
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The United Power Board meets for its Regulatory Meeting on Nov. 8, 2019.

Annual Regulatory Meeting Planned for November 8, 2019

Meeting Agenda

Every year, the United Power board takes a deep dive into the rates we charge for electricity and considers both the revenue requirements of the cooperative and the anticipated load growth for the cooperative in setting rates for the upcoming year. The United Power board will be considering some adjustments in current rates and adding an additional rate for 2020 at its November 8 Regulatory Meeting.

Recommendations from staff for the upcoming year include a modest 1.5-2% increase for residential members. Similar to last year’s rate changes, the adjustment being proposed would slightly increase the demand component and reduce the cost of energy. In 2019, the cooperative incorporated a demand charge into their residential rate, while reducing the cost of energy.

“When United Power rolled out the advanced metering infrastructure several years ago, we were able to collect better data about how each member uses power in their home or business,” stated Dean Hubbuck, Director of Power Supply and Rates. “Using this data, we constructed a rate that considers not only how much power a member consumes, but we can also measure their impact on the grid that supplies that power. By breaking apart these separate components members are billed more accurately for their use and impact.”

The rate structure not only allowed the cooperative to charge members more fairly for their impact on the electrical system, but it also put more power into the hands of members to control their costs by shifting the way they use electricity in their homes. For instance, by spreading out the use of household appliances like dryers and dishwashers through the course of the day, members can have a direct impact on their demand and reduce their costs.

This year, the board is also considering a new rate that would help lessen the impact on members who utilize electric heating technology in their homes. Homes utilizing electric thermal storage units experienced a larger impact from the rate change in 2019 when compared with the average household. A group of members concerned about the increase met with staff and board members to voice their concerns and ask the board to consider their unique situation.

“One of the best things about being served by a cooperative is that members have direct access to their regulators – the board of directors,” stated Hubbuck. “In response to our members concerns we hosted public meetings, and the new rate being considered in November is in response to these meetings.”

The changes are planned to be in effect for consumption beginning January 1, which means members would see the changes on their February bills. Once the rate adjustments are decided, the changes will be communicated via the United Newsline and on the cooperative’s website.

Winter Weather Closure

Tuesday | October 29, 2019
United Power offices will open at 10 a.m. Tuesday, November 26th.

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Celebrating National Energy Efficiency Day
Monday | September 30, 2019
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October 2nd is National Energy Efficiency Day—a day to be reminded of the easy ways we can all reduce our energy use and save money.

EEDay_2019_SmartHub-05.pngOctober 2nd is National Energy Efficiency Day—a day to be reminded of the easy ways we can all reduce our energy use and save money. By being as efficient as possible with the energy we use, we help our pocketbooks and the environment. Remember: the cleanest, most efficient energy is the energy we never have to generate.  

In honor of Energy Efficiency Day, here are 10 simple ways to reduce energy waste, at home and at work:

1. Make the switch to LED

LEDs are a great example of how innovation and technology can make your life easier. They last at least 25 times longer and consume up to 90 percent less electricity than incandescent bulbs.

Tip: By switching five of your home’s most frequently used bulbs with ENERGY STAR® certified LEDs, it’s possible to save $75 on energy costs annually.  Buy LEDs in 2019 and you can earn a rebate from United Power for every bulb.

2. Seal Those Leaks

On average, heating and cooling account for almost half of a home’s energy consumption. In fact, all the little leaks can be equivalent to leaving open a 3-foot-by-3-foot window.

Tip: Take simple steps like caulking windows, sealing leaks around chimneys and recessed lighting, and sliding draft guards under your doors to save up to 20% on heating costs.  

3. Heat and Cool Efficiently

Don’t waste money heating or cooling an empty home. Install a programmable thermostat and in colder weather schedule your home’s heat to lower when you are away or asleep and increase when you are returning home or waking-up. In warm weather, schedule the thermostat to raise the temperature when you are away or asleep, and lower it at other times.

Tip: Follow the U.S. Department of Energy recommended temperatures and be energy-efficient all year.  

4. Maintain Your HVAC System

Make sure to clean or change your furnace filters regularly. A dirty furnace filter will slow down air flow, making the system work harder to keep you warm (or cool) and costing you more money.

Tip: Consider getting a winter tune-up. Just as a tune-up for your car can improve your gas mileage, a semi-annual or yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can be vital to improve efficiency, saving you money and making your home more comfortable.  

5. Look for the ENERGY STAR® Label

ENERGY STAR® labeled windows can cut heating costs by as much as 30% compared to single-pane windows, while increasing indoor comfort and lessening fading of home furnishings.

Tip: If you are undertaking a major home remodel or new build, consider installing ENERGY STAR® qualified HVAC equipment and appliances.  United Power offers rebates on the purchase of new ENERGY STAR® air conditioners, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines.

6. Turn the Electronics Off

That sounds easy, but too often we forget and leave electronics plugged in that are not in use.

Tip: Turn off unnecessary/idle lights, appliances and electronics. A power strip can help turn off multiple items at once, and new Smart Powerstrips have timers and app controls to make it even easier. (Sometimes the simplest things are really effective!)  

7. Winter Tip: Invite the Sun In

It feels like the sun abandons us during the winter, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore it during the shorter days.

Tip: Open curtains/shade on your west-and south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home, and save 2%-12%.  

8. Summer Tip: Close Blinds and Shades

This tip is easy to forget, but vital: excess sunlight will make it harder to keep your home cool and comfortable.

Tip: During the day, keep your blinds and shades closed to prevent warm air from building up in your home.  

9. Clean Your Clothing Efficiently

That’s an easy one. A washing machine spends 90% of its energy to heat water.

Tip: Consider using cold water instead. In addition, try to run full loads as much as possible, because the machine uses roughly the same amount of energy regardless of the load size. Also, consider air-drying.

10. Clean Up Your Dishes Efficiently

If there’s one thing that has the power to unite people, it’s food. And with food comes dishes to clean. Fear not – there really is a more efficient way to use your dishwasher.

Tip: Avoid the “rinse hold” cycle and skip heated drying – simply open the door at the end of the washing cycle and let the dishes air dry!

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